Making The Perfect Smoothie

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Smoothies are great for a quick breakfast or snack, and make packing-in nutritional value a breeze. However, not all smoothies are created equal. Between fruits, flavored yogurts, sweeteners, and added flavors, they can quickly turn into a drinkable dessert. However, making a healthy smoothie doesn’t need to be fancy or confusing. Follow the guidelines below for a delicious, nourishing, and balanced smoothie every time!


The base of your smoothie is what binds everything together. Avoid using juice and instead try water, milk, or a dairy-free beverage. Use your nutritional goals as a guide for choosing a base. If you are reducing calories, try water or an unsweetened dairy-free beverage. If you’re looking to increase calories and protein, milk can be a great option.


Produce adds nutritional value, flavor, and texture to your smoothie. Use a variety of frozen fruit for a naturally sweet and creamy consistency. Fresh bananas, apples, and citrus also make great additions. For even more nutrients, try adding mild-flavored vegetables. Cucumbers, spinach, baby kale, celery, zucchini, carrots, and cauliflower make great additions.


Not including protein and fat is where many smoothie recipes go wrong. These macronutrients are not only important for health, but also slow down the digestion of your smoothie making for long-lasting satiety and appetite control. Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, dairy-free yogurt, egg whites, and protein powder are all great sources of added protein. For fat, try adding whole-fat dairy, nuts and nut butters, coconut oil, and seeds.


This category is where you can add-in any other supplements or foods that provide specific nutritional value. Things like creatine, chia and flax seeds, turmeric, ginger, and beetroot powder mix well into smoothies. Remember this category if there are specific supplements or “superfoods” you wish to incorporate into your diet.