Perfecting Posture


Did you know that most of our aches and injuries can be improved simply by correcting posture? While it may seem too good to be true, our modern lifestyle has dramatically affected the way we hold ourselves, resulting in visible health problems. Poor posture causes strain on the neck, upper body tension, shoulder pain, muscular weakness, and greatly increases the risk of injury and chronic pain. Posture even impacts cognitive function and mood!

Identifying poor posture is the first step in eliminating pain. There are a few reference points to look for: rounded shoulders, chin jutting forward, and an accentuated lower back arch.

If you think back to high school biology class, you probably had a life-sized skeleton in your classroom. Imagine that 3-dimensional skeleton, and think of it as the structural foundation of the body. Cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and muscles attach to this structure and hold it into position. As posture changes over time, muscular strength adjusts accordingly. This process is responsible for imbalances in strength, limited mobility, and strain on the joints and skeleton. These combined factors result in pain and injury many of us are familiar with.

Thankfully, muscular imbalances and mobility can be corrected by addressing posture! While addressing these issues take time and consistency, the end result of decreased pain and improved mobility is well worth it. Many instances of chronic pain can even be resolved completely, without surgeries or injections! As you begin the process of correcting posture, keep these fundamentals in mind:

  1. Movement patterns, muscular imbalances, and poor posture take years to develop. So if you find yourself frustrated in the process, remember that it’s going to take some time to reverse these underlying problems. Unfortunately, there is no overnight fix!

  2. Frequency is key. When you incorporate posture-related exercises into your routine, the more often they are performed, the more successful you will be.

  3. Changing posture can feel uncomfortable - rightly so! Forcing our bodies to move and rest in ways that are different from the norm feel strange. Over time as muscular and movement patterns change, you will notice that your efforts become easier. Soon enough, the poor posture that was once your norm will feel uncomfortable!

  4. Remember that posture is involved in everything that we do. Working out, typing at your desk, walking, driving, even watching TV. Practice being mindful of your posture in every activity that you engage in throughout the day.

Now, where to begin? Check out this video for a great overview of postural correction and exercises you can begin to incorporate into your routine. If you don’t feel confident enough to start on your own, reach out to your trainer for assistance. And don’t forget about stretch class! Held every Saturday morning at 9:30, this low-key complimentary class is a great way to compliment your workouts and mobility by improving flexibility!